Over the ages, thousands, millions of people around the world have lost their lives to virus attacks. People have been freed from some viruses. Antivirals for many viruses have also been discovered. Again, even in this modern age of knowledge and science, the world society has lost its way due to the attack of the virus. I will learn about some of these deadly viruses. Before that, I will know about the virus.
Ultra-microscopic and acellular. Scientists disagree on whether the virus should be considered an organism. These tiny organic particles or microorganisms can only reproduce inside living cells. It is lifeless without a host. The virus is responsible for various diseases of humans, animals, birds, and plants. In fact, some viruses reproduce in bacteria called bacteriophages.The word virus came from the Latin language. It means poison. In ancient times, any toxin that caused disease was called a virus. Viruses are called 'objects', not germs. This is because the organism is a protein made up of DNA, RNA and nucleic acids, so the virus is acellular.
Marburg virus:
The virus spread to Germany from monkeys imported from Uganda in 1986. Infection with this virus causes fever with bleeding. Which can lead to paralysis and death. Initially, the death rate was 25 percent. After the outbreak in Congo from 1998 to 2000, the rate rose to 60 percent. It also became an epidemic in Angola in 2005.
Ebola virus:
The Ebola epidemic broke out in Sudan and Congo in 1986. The deadly virus spreads from the blood or tissues of infected people or animals. The last epidemic was in 2014 in West Africa.
Rabies / rabies:
The rabies vaccine for animals was first discovered in 1920. It goes without saying that this disease does not exist in developing countries. Its spread is seen in a few places in India and Africa. The virus causes the most damage to the brain. There is an antidote for rabies. But death is certain if not treated in time.
Even in the modern age, the deadly HIV virus is a terrible terror. The virus was first detected in 1906. Since then, 32 million people have died from the virus. Although antidotes are being developed, the virus is spreading in low- and low-income countries. The study found that one in 25 people in Africa is infected with HIV. Death from this virus is certain.
Smallpox / Spring:
In 1980, the World Health Organization declared the world spring free. People have been fighting this virus for thousands of years. The infection killed 1 in 3 people. Those who survived had deep wounds on their bodies. In the twentieth century, 300 million people died in the spring.
The virus was first identified in 1993 in the United States. The virus is transmitted to humans from one species of rat. In 1950 it became an epidemic. Infection with this virus causes a lot of shortness of breath.
At any one time of the virus infection, 5 lakh people died due to the virus. Mortality was higher than infection. The virus, also known as the Spanish flu, infected 40 percent of the population in 1918. 5 crore people died. The epidemic does not spread the virus from person to person.
The virus was first detected in the Philippines and Thailand in 1950. Today, 40 percent of the world's population lives in areas infected with the virus. The mosquito-borne virus infects 5 to 100 million people a year. Dengue also causes bleeding. 20 percent die, if not treated. The most affected are 9 to16 year olds. Some countries have antidotes.
It is more prevalent among children. Infection with the virus causes diarrhea. Although the mortality rate is not high in developed countries, the virus causes deadly diseases in developing countries. Rota virus killed 4.5 million children worldwide in 2006.
Sars-Cove One:
The first SARS virus was detected in China in 2002. It spreads to people from Badur and Gandhagokul. In 2003 and 2004, the virus spread to 26 countries in China. 6 thousand people died. The virus infects the lungs with fever and renders the lungs useless. There is no cure for this disease.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or Mars epidemic spread to Saudi Arabia in 2012 and South Korea in 2015. The virus, which is spread from bats, can infect humans and camels. Infection with the virus causes fever, cough and shortness of breath. Pneumonia kills 30 to 40 percent of people.
Sars-Cove Two / Covid 19
The latest epidemic, Kovid-19, has spr ead from China to the rest of the world. The virus, which has spread from Badur, has so far claimed the lives of over 6 lakh people. More than 1 crore 8 lakh people were affected. Symptoms of this disease are fever, cough, shortness of breath, pneumonia. Death will happen if treatment is not taken in time. The virus is spreading terror in the world.
No antidote has been discovered for Mars-Cove, Sars-Cove One and Sars-Cove Two or Covid-19.