Let the sacrifice be in accordance with the hygiene rules

Let the sacrifice be in accordance with the hygiene rules

This year, the holy Eid-ul-Azha has come in a different environment. Muslims all over the world including Bangladesh will celebrate the day with due dignity. But that celebration will not be like other years. Millions of devout Muslim men and women perform the holy Hajj every year on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha, but this year it is not possible due to the Karona epidemic. The Saudi government has not previously allowed foreigners to perform the Hajj there. A small number of Muslims in Saudi Arabia are performing the Hajj rituals, following social distance and hygiene.

Sacrifice is obligatory for every able-bodied Muslim. The real significance of animal sacrifice for the sake of Allah's satisfaction is the attempt to attain self-purification through all greed, envy, hatred, anger, selfishness, and renunciation of inner bestiality. The holy Eid-ul-Azha is celebrated on the 10th day of the Arabic month of Jilhaj. However, there is a provision to sacrifice animals in the next two days, that is, in 11th and 12th districts

The holy Eid-ul-Azha is being celebrated in Bangladesh tomorrow, Saturday. However, it must be celebrated in accordance with the necessary hygiene and social distance. The government has given instructions on Qurbani and Eid prayers. Like Eid-ul-Fitr, Eid-ul-Azhar prayers will be held inside the mosque, not in the open. Sacrifices must also be arranged in full compliance with hygiene rules. Sacrificial animals cannot be slaughtered on the road or anywhere.

Strict adherence to hygiene rules has also been instructed for going home and shopping on Eid. Relievingly, coronavirus awareness has increased among the general population. To avoid the crowds, enough sacrificial animals have been sold online this year. As much as people were anxious to go to the village during the Eid-ul-Fitr holiday, this time it was not noticed. Usually, during Eid, it becomes difficult to get bus-train-launch and even plane tickets. But this Eid many vehicles are closed due to lack of passengers. Even then, all types of public transport need extra caution.

Many people think that animal sacrifices will be less this year due to corona. Even then, it must be ensured that no one can slaughter the sacrificial animal outside the designated places of the city corporations and municipalities. Sacrificial animal waste must be removed as soon as possible.

Another concern is that when Eid-ul-Azha arrives, almost half of Bangladesh is flooded. Hundreds of thousands of people's houses, crops, and vegetables have been washed away in the floodwaters. Although some of them have found a place in the shelter, most of them are spending their days in waterlogged conditions. There are allegations that relief materials provided by the government have not reached many areas. We urge everyone to extend a helping hand to these flood-affected people according to their ability.

The issue of public safety during Eid should also be considered seriously. At this time, I hope that the government and the law enforcement agencies will exercise the utmost caution so that the law and order is not degraded by militant groups or any other vested interests.

Greetings to our countless readers, writers, advertisers, and well-wishers on this joyous occasion of Eid-ul-Azha. May the joy of the holy Eid-ul-Azha be immortal. Eid Mubarak to all.

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