Surely you have ever been working with your laptop and, between one task and another, it has been "frozen" halfway and does not respond to any of your instructions, having to forcefully restart it to be able to return to work with the. This is a very common thing that unfortunately happens much more frequently than we would like, but everything has an explanation, and that is that laptops generally have less RAM capacity than desktop computers, which brings us When we work intensely with them, we have a much greater chance of hanging, stopping or freezing, we can call it whatever we want.
It also influences the freezing or blocking of the equipment, the propensity that laptops are for overheating, and that is that due to their own characteristics when we have been working with them continuously for a long time, it is possible that they overheat excessively and end up blocking
Normally the main symptoms that we find when our computer freezes are the following:
Windows do not respond and nothing, including the mouse arrow, moves on the screen of our laptop.
A screen appears with some error message, which we cannot eliminate in any way.
When opening any of the programs on our laptop, it has blocked the mouse and nothing responds.
There can be many other symptoms, but these three are the ones that we find with greater regularity. If this has happened to you recently, you should not think that your computer has broken and that it is time to change it again, at least for now. It is something common and in general, it should not be a very serious problem, therefore we are going to tell you how you should act in this situation.
How should you act?
Windows Task Manager
When you have problems with the operation of your computer, Windows Task Manager can become one of your best allies. It does not always work and the problem cannot always be solved through it, but it often offers us the possibility of eradicating the problem.
To access it, you must simultaneously press the "Ctrl + Alt + Del" keys on your computer. Automatically, if the administrator has worked, you will access a window in which the following options will appear: block, change user, close session, change a password and task manager.