Relation between China and India with Bangladesh

Relation between China and India  with Bangladesh

Bangladesh has friendly relations with both India and China. In the current world, China and India are engaged in the Cold War. In this Cold War, China and India are using other countries. China wants to implement a free policy around India. China or India? Who is the biggest friend of Bangladesh? Today's event with China, India and Bangladesh-

Bangladesh has friendly relations with both India and China. In the current world, China and India are engaged in the Cold War. In this Cold War, China and India are using other countries. China wants to implement a free policy around India. China or India? Who is the biggest friend of Bangladesh? Today's event with China, India and Bangladesh-

But why is it becoming important to China in Bangladesh? If China is to maintain its dominance in the Bay of Bengal, then Bangladesh is very important for China. That is why China has given two submarines to Bangladesh. The submarines are expected to remain active until 2030. As a result of getting this submarine, the military power of Bangladesh has increased a bit. Besides, the Bay of Bengal may be the main trade route in the world. China does not want to lose Bangladesh for a good reason.

Due to Bangladesh, most of the northeastern states of India are landlocked. Moreover, Bangladesh is one of the signatories of China's Belt and Road Initiative. The Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina has said that the development of the communication system is important in today's world. He also called on India to join China's Belt and Road Initiative.

In many ways, China has extended a hand of friendship to Bangladesh and provided submarines to maintain Bangladesh's military presence in the Bay of Bengal. Many Indian military officials have expressed their concerns about the submarine on a TV channel. Many Indian army officials have said in interviews that the Indian authorities do not understand why Bangladesh needs to buy submarines. On the other hand, the Indian authorities cannot openly oppose it because Bangladesh has the right to buy submarines as a sovereign country. Determined to move to a stronger military position.

Bangladesh has a lot of cultural ties with India, but not so much with China. But at present China is the biggest trading partner of Bangladesh. Both China and India provide some trade facilities to Bangladesh. However, in the case of the coronavirus, China has provided quota-free trade facilities to 97 percent of Bangladesh's products. As a result, Bangladesh is expected to make some strides in the field of trade. Besides, China is making a significant contribution to the development of Bangladesh's infrastructure.

China does not expect Indian monopoly in the Bay of Bengal. India: India is not sitting idly by in this Cold War. India has also given a submarine to Myanmar, a friend of China. But Bangladesh must keep in mind that neither China nor India have cooperated on issues like the Rohingya situation. Due to China's veto, the Security Council has failed to take action against Myanmar. Besides, India has also not spoken much on the Rohingya issue. This will make it easier for Bangladesh to move forward.

We all know the foreign policy of Bangladesh. And that is friendship with all, not enmity with anyone. The implementation of this foreign policy is very important. Bangladesh still maintains neutral relations with the two countries and is expected to be able to do so in the future.

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