Global political polarization
After World War II, the United States gradually became the center of world political control. A kind of rivalry developed between the United States and Russia in the aftermath of World War II. The United States won that rivalry. The collapse of the then Soviet Union was followed by an economic recession. Then America became the center of the whole world. The popularity of American democracy was all over the world. As a result, Russia is also forced to walk the path of democracy. Russia has now been able to cope with the economic shock. This has led to growing tensions between the United States and the EU. The EU is using Emanuel Macho or Angela Merkel to fill America's void in various parts of the world. In addition, China now has a lot of money. In addition to the economy, China is trying to increase its influence in world politics. They are pouring a lot of money into countries like North Korea and Pakistan. Russia, too, is now under the leadership of Putin, who is much stronger than before. Needless to say, Russia has risen to prominence again.
There are two main indicators of being a superpower
Who will be the world's superpower is mainly determined by two indicators. Whoever has control of those two indicators will basically control the world. One of the two indicators is economic control and the other is political control.
The current global influence of superpower America
The United States has guaranteed its own energy by importing oil and gas from many countries around the world. Boeing is the world's largest supplier of aircraft. This Boeing company supplies aircraft almost all over the world. The company's contribution to the aviation industry is extensive. America uses different types of satellites. Moreover, America is the first military power in the world. Their sheltered technology has paved the way for the establishment of rules in the world of weapons. Moreover, the US dollar is one of the means of international transactions. It is said that after the Second World War, the US dollar became the international currency and the United States went a long way in the race to become a superpower.
There is a worldwide demand for computers running Windows operating system. This Windows computer operating system is owned by an American citizen. His name is Bill Gates. He is a rich man. Moreover, in today's world, the popularity of Apple's computer is increasing. Apple is basically an American company. Today, we have been able to bring the world under our control through social media. The concept of social media originated in the United States. However, there is a lot of discussion and criticism about different aspects of social media. We often buy our own necessities using online-based e-commerce sites. The idea of establishing this e-commerce site came from America. All that I have said so far is the contribution of the Internet behind the development. Current life is almost useless without the internet. The internet originated in America.
China in the world economy
China contributes a lot to the current world economy. Many countries in the world now rely heavily on China for various products because the supply chain has been established in China. Moreover, China has a reputation for producing the lowest priced products in the world. China usually exports many kinds of products on the market. There was a kind of industrial revolution in China in the eighties of the last century. Many companies around the world invested in China at that time because of cheap labor. Moreover, the special economic zones located in China make a huge contribution to the Chinese economy. Chinese products have now reached almost every country in the world. America imports 70% of its necessities from China.
After the Donald Trump administration imposed tariff barriers on China, the prices of goods produced in China went up. As a result, companies that used to produce their products in China once realized that their production costs were increasing only because they depended on China. As a result, those companies continue to search for other countries for their products. Those companies target countries like India, Vietnam, or Africa. As China progresses in the developed world, the per capita income of its people has also increased. As a result, cheap labor is no longer readily available. At present, the cost of production of Chinese products is higher than before. Attempts are being made by various companies to remove the manufacturing process from China. If different companies leave China, then China is also thinking about this issue. To that end, China is investing in various countries around the world. Even if different companies move their factories from China, China is investing in building different infrastructures in different countries of the world so that it does not lose economic control. Moreover, China has taken the Belt and Road Initiative initiative by spending a lot of money so that companies that are unlikely to leave China can easily transport goods to other countries.
Comparison of the per capita income of the people of China and America
We know that China, one of the largest countries in the world, has a population of about 1.3 billion. The per capita income of the Chinese people is 10,872.00 dollars. So it means they are middle-income countries. The size of China's economy is 15 trillion dollars. Meanwhile, the United States is one of the most powerful countries in the world. The total population of that country is about 33 crores. The per capita income of the people of their country is 67,426.00. America is a developed country in terms of per capita income. America is far ahead of China in terms of per capita income. The per capita income of the Chinese people is lower than that of the American people. America is basically one of the richest countries. The total size of their economy is much larger than that of China. The size of their economy is about 22 trillion dollars. The economic potential of a country is considered on the basis of per capita income. The per capita income of a Chinese citizen is one-seventh of the per capita income of an American citizen.
The current political situation in the world
There is a trend in world politics at present. That is the tendency to think of oneself as superior by suppressing another class in three ways. This trend is very bad. Peace and prosperity in the world can never be achieved by considering one's own country as the best and suppressing other countries.
America is being criticized all over the world because of America's Middle East policy. Moreover, American troops in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan did not benefit much. Moreover, China and Russia are present in those who are harming America. China and Russia are filling America's void with military assistance and money for the victims.
The amount of foreign debt in the United States has exceeded 20,000 billion. In addition, the number of drug addicts and homeless people in the United States is increasing. Racial discrimination is on the rise in America.
On the other hand, in the Corona epidemic crisis, America has failed to handle the situation in their own country. On the other hand, China has managed its own situation but extended a helping hand to the rest of the world, including medical equipment.
Although the United States was the first in the world to deal with natural disasters or other cases, the opposite happened in the Corona situation. China has filled America's void.
But is China going to be a superpower? China is certainly making a lot of progress. They are expanding trade and commerce all over the world. Maintaining the continuous improvement of the living standards of the people of his country. The per capita income of the people of their country is increasing. China has been able to pull the reins of its population. China is now far ahead in terms of military capabilities.
Many Western diplomats think that China is trying to dominate the world by focusing on the Corona crisis. China-America are currently the two main rivals in the world. Power is never permanent. Power has been transferred from one to another forever. Of course, in the post-epidemic world, a radical change in the economic, social and political system may take place and the wind of superpower change may blow in the world.